Victoria Simpson
Dear reader,

I must apologize for my absence.  My real job plus life in general has demanded much of my attention.  However, I've felt rather negligent so I thought I'd give you a taste of what was coming up (because I have been reading and seen some movies in the midst of my whirlwind).  Dear reader, I am on the verge of writing a rather biting review of Gregory Maguire's Lost, sharing with you the joys of the reemergence of my love for Mr. Mister, telling you why The Prince of Persia is entertaining enough for at least one viewing, and, this is the most exciting for me, a Shutter Island double feature--you get the book and movie review.

Reader, I do hope this makes up for my absence.  I apologize in all sincerity.  If I can swing another blog post between now and Sunday (the day I depart for medical duties at a camp for a week as Nurse Simpson), then I shall.  Please don't get you're hopes up though.  When I return, which I shall, I will definitely post more often.

Please forgive me.

Always yours,

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